You don't suck at it, LP. This was a good read. I personally feel both BAP and Fuentes are part of what's called IIA - Interactive Internet Activities -and stay away. They're pressure release valves who play their roles in grand designs to placate the youthful right, in my opinion.

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Hell yeah.

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You're a good writer don't worry about it

Yeah BAP is very weak on solutions--but then again he never claimed to be offering any.

His function, at which he excels, is to exhort men to improve themselves and to reject and mock the 'values' of the 'elite'. He also offers valuable heuristics for understanding history and human motivations in general (I am cautious about his evaluations of the latter).

All of this is worthwhile. But outside his metier he talks a lot of bullshit, and not all of it is funny. He should hold his peace more often. He'd be more effective If he did.

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BAP was a bit more straightforward with his praxeological prescriptions back when he was commenting as just another nobody on Disqus. I remember him telling me under a Radix article that our society should man up and return to the bronze age way of treating foreign tribes; viz-a-viz (obviously) the Jews. I got the impression he was considering something on the lines of the Saxon conquest of Britain* as a universal template of how "international relations" were conducted back in those halcyon days. Maybe I misunderstood (after all, this does make him come off as historically illiterate to an unexpectadly high degree), but otherwise it would shed some light on why he was reluctant to share more on your podcast. This was 2014-2016, I think.

*Migration Era, of course, but I can't think of a more clear example from the actual Bronze Age

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BAB is saying that political parties running for elections in Western democracies shouldn't talk about race realism as part of their campaigning. Which is perfectly sensible. Not that online people in dissident right shouldn't.

About Steve Sailer's claim, which exact studies prove that the difference in average IQ between American blacks and African blacks is caused entirely by genetic differences? That is quite unlikely.

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Which exact study prove that the difference in average IQ between American blacks and African blacks is caused mostly by environmental differences? See how two can play that game? You didn't understand the methodological error I described otherwise you would understand why those studies don't exist, because the premise is flawed from the jump.

Your point about BAP is more fair and I'm happy to concede it, I don't think my overall premise was very dependent on that.

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There aren't any that prove this to be case, nor are there any that prove it is genetic, but the difference being mostly a result of environmental differences is perfectly plausible, given the high rates of malnourishment and low rates of literacy in many sub-saharan African countries, and the relatively low amount of European ancestry among American blacks.

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